Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here in Nairobi!!!

Yesterday evening we arrived in Nairobi and were greeted by our missing team member Breanna Hunter! It was awesome to see her and have our team completed! We were also greeted by a friendly Kenyan man, Josiah, who had previously arranged our transportation into Nairobi, and helped us find our friend Mark's house!
We are all feeling so grateful for God's faithfulness to us, in giving us smooth and safe travels with no complications, and for binding us together as a team. Last night we spent some good time in prayer together and have such peace and excitment about our journey and what is to come...
Tomorrow we head to Mkwachunyi where our journey will continue!!!
We'll do our best to share our stories and experiences through these weeks and months! We love you all and you are in our thoughts and prayers too!
If you wish to contact us, you may at:

Laura, Blayne, Janell, Kurtis, Kalie, Ami, Breanna & Renae

Friday, September 21, 2007

Wishing to Donate


We have Three days to go!! The next few days are going to be full for us, spending time with family and friends, last minute packing and details, as well as getting filled in on some great info about living in Kenya and possible opportunities we have while we are there!


We are getting commissioned during the sunday morning service at Crossroads church this sunday Sept 23. So all are welcome!

If you are still wanting to Donate something to us, we are pretty full up with supplies already...Praise God!! But you can still donate money through crossroads church. You can give via the offering or drop off or send a cheque to:

Crossroads Church
38105 Range Road 275
Red Deer County, AB.
T4S 2N4

Cheques can be written out to 'Crossroads Church' but just label the money that it is to go to the mkwachunyi project or Africa team! The church will also give you a tax receipt for donations.

We are praying that God will use this, HIS money, where it will furthur His kingdom.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"The Team"

So this is us...from left to right (top row) Laura Baerg, Ami Polson, Kurtis Kooiker, Blayne Martens (bottom Row) Kalie Leibel, Janell Steeves, Renae Plett. (missing: Breanna Hunter, who will meet us when we arive in Kenya)Even though we are the people physically going to Kenya (and possibly beyond) everyone who has been so generous through prayer, financial, or volunteer support we also consider part of our team and together we all will work to accomplish what's on God's heart for Mkwachunyi, Kenya and Africa!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Profile to come.....


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be creating a profile with our picture and names you know who we are!!! For now, here is a list of names, of those of us that are going to Mkwachunyi!!

Kurtis Kooiker, Janell Steeves, Blayne Martens, Kalie Leibel, Laura Baerg, Ami Polson, Breanna Hunter, Renae Plett!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome to our blog!

Hello to those interested in hearing about this adventure!!

We now have this website to share with you all the goings on of our life in Mkwachunyi and beyond! We leave in 25 days!!! Hard to believe....There is still so much that needs to happen before Sept 25, but we are trusting God's timing and perfect plan in all of this.

Something exciting that is coming up on Sept 11 is a silent auction fundraiser! It will be a great night of mingling, eating, bidding on some amazing items, and hearing at bit about the Mkwachunyi Project! If you are reading this, you are probably interested in coming, so we will see you there ;) We are still taking items as well, so if you have something to donate, please contact one of "the team"!

If you would remember us in your prayers too that would be awesome! A few specifics maybe for the time being:

1. Our personal relationships with God as i know satan is trying to attack this right now
2. Unity within our team
3. for this silent auction to be blessed by God
4. praise for the ways God has blessed this adventure already, and for the generosity of people!!

Bless You All!!!