Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Giant stick bug and other exciting things :)

Habari everyone!
We are well in the Mkwachunyi village!
It seems like we've been here for so long already, even though it has only been less than a week! We are all starting to feel very at home living with families in their homes and are feeling extremely blessed by their hospitality to us! We are learning tons about their culture and way of life in the village. We've been working together with the village committee as well as visiting various nearby schools, churches, and clinics to assess some needs in the area. It has been so neat to be working together with the people to think of ways to improve their lives in ways that empower their own community members and are sustainable! Yesterday, after some long meetings, we were able to determine some initial projects to start and be involved with.... we are starting with funding and helping to build 2 new homes for the least fortunate in the area, one a widow and one a man who is living in the back of a store because his house fell down. Local tradesmen who are unemployed will have the opportunity to work with us on the building projects. Also, with the support we received from home, 45 orphans will be given pillows, blankets, and clothes. Apparently there are some young boys in the village who are also unemployed, who if they could afford a drivers liscence, could be supporting themselves and also the community, so we were able to send 4 boys to drivers school. We will also start to assist some of the widows and elderly with their gardens to prepare for harvest. The community has been extremely grateful for any aid, and we are excited to be a part of it all.... and all of you who have been a support this project should also share in the excitement as you have made these projects possible! Hopefully we will still be able to do more for them.... We are excited!!!! We are trusting God to lead!
and about the stick bug..... it was massive!!! The bugs here are insane, but we love AFRICA!!!!
Continue to pray for us as a team, for wisdom and discernment with projects. Also pray that God would do the work in our hearts that He desires!
thank you sooooooooooooooo much! We love you and are excited to continue to share the journey!

The Africa Team


Manna said...

Way to go Team!!! Love you guys!!!!

Kami Swanson said...

I finally got to finding your blog page and was simply BLESSED after reading your entries. Your positive attitudes and exuberance for what God has for you in Africa makes ME excited for you! (I bet God is excited too.).What an adventure you are having!
Are you over jetlag? How has that been?
Enjoy building into those beautiful people. I love the story about the boys being able to go to driving school.
Praying continued unity for your team,